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Monday, November 7, 2011

Hello Saints of God,

Once again the Lord is moving by His mighty power (Zechariah 4:6) and doing a new thing in my life, and ministry (Isaiah 43:18, 19). Within the last few days I placed a new song on youtube that i'm trusting the Lord will use literally to minister to millions of souls concerning salvation around the world. (John 3:16, Matthew 28:18-20, Ephesians 3:20) It's called, "He Died For Me" which is really my personal testimony, but we all as believers can glean from this song concerning what He the Father has done for us through His Son Jesus Christ! He Is Savior and Lord of all...Hallelujah! Now go to: youtube and put my name virgil roberts in the search window and song will come up. Listen and give me a review also you can subscribe to my channel which will have much more gospel content in the days to come. TO THE GLORY OF GOD! BLESS YOU! Pastor Virgil

PS. there is a listing of individuals that helped and worked with me on this song project on the youtube link. Also this is one of the songs that will be on my upcoming CD called, "A New Thing" in early 2012...